Pietjesbak – of pitjesbak – speel jij het? Als je het niet speelt, heb je er zeker al over gehoord. Als speelgoedklassieker van formaat wil ik de interessante geschiedenis van pietjesbak belichten.
Echt Vlaams, en al eeuwenoud; dat is pitjesbak. Ja, we mogen trots zijn op de pietjesbak. Er is wel geen kat die iets afweet over het ontstaan en evolutie ervan. Maar één ding staat als een huis: we spelen het al jaren. En misschien wel eeuwen. Tevens zijn we zeker over de spelregels; deze zijn door de jaren heen amper gewijzigd. Om het te spelen heb je twee dingen nodig: 3 dobbelstenen en een dobbelarena. Deze laatste is gemaakt uit hout. En dat is eigenlijk de pietjesbak zelf: een achthoekige houten arena.
Hoewel de spelregels doorgaans in dezelfde lijn liggen, worden er op café vaak een aantal extra toegevoegd. Op café? Inderdaad, ja. Want dat is de meest populaire plaats om te ‘pietjesbakken’. Wegens die diverse aanvullende spelregels is het dan ook logisch dat er veel varianten van pitjesbakken bestaan. Opvallend is hoe er in de meeste oude kroegen er standaard een pietjesbak ligt. Zondagavond, na het voetbal kijken een spelletje pietjesbak spelen? Een veelvoorkomend fenomeen!
Zoals eerder al verklapt, gaat pietjesbak al jaren mee! Vraag het maar eens aan je grootouders. Zij zullen het ook zeker kennen. Misschien behoorden zij wel tot één van die mensen die van die pietjesbakavonden organiseerden. Want ook dat gebeurde vaak. Wie dat vroeger deed – en vandaag nog steeds doet – mocht rekenen op een gezellig gebeuren tot in de vroege uurtjes.
Het leven is duur. En ook de pitjesbak moest eraan geloven. Vroeger kostte het spel misschien nog geen honderd frank. Vandaag mag je voor het complete spel al snel twintig euro neertellen. Daarom kunnen we misschien wel besluiten dat dit leuke spel het moest bekopen met een deel van zijn gigantische populariteit.
Niemand die snapt waar deze rare, ludieke naam vandaan komt. Of misschien toch wel? Want naar verluidt zou ‘pitjes’ komen van de punten op de gebruikte teerling. In sommige Vlaamse dialecten wordt er gesproken over ‘pitjes’, wanneer men het eigenlijk heeft over puntjes. Tijdes om de pitjes op de i te zetten, dan maar?
De redenen om pietjesbak te spelen zijn vandaag niet anders dan vroeger. De algemene motivatie: de pitjesbak is gewoon de enige benodigdheid om voor sfeer en leuk sociaal contact te zorgen!
Query | Affected | Num. rows | Took (ms) | Actions |
SELECT `Store`.`id`, `Store`.`name`, `Store`.`branding`, `Store`.`defaultlocale`, `Store`.`theme_admin`, `Store`.`theme`, `Store`.`phone`, `Store`.`url`, `Store`.`email`, `Store`.`active`, `Store`.`index`, `Store`.`maintenance_mode`, `Store`.`base`, `Store`.`use_menu_builder`, `Store`.`age_confirm`, `Store`.`hours_popup`, `Store`.`is_wholesale`, `Store`.`disable_checkout`, `Store`.`enable_stores`, (`I18n__homepagetitle__nld`.`content`) AS `Store__i18n_homepagetitle_nld`, (`I18n__homepagedescription__nld`.`content`) AS `Store__i18n_homepagedescription_nld`, (`I18n__homepage_footer__nld`.`content`) AS `Store__i18n_homepage_footer_nld`, (`I18n__homepage_content__nld`.`content`) AS `Store__i18n_homepage_content_nld`, (`I18n__header_points__nld`.`content`) AS `Store__i18n_header_points_nld`, (`I18n__footer_blocks__nld`.`content`) AS `Store__i18n_footer_blocks_nld`, (`I18n__sidebar_content__nld`.`content`) AS `Store__i18n_sidebar_content_nld`, (`I18n__disable_checkout_msg__nld`.`content`) AS `Store__i18n_disable_checkout_msg_nld` FROM `tbiback_tbshops`.`stores` AS `Store` LEFT JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`i18n` AS `I18n__homepagetitle__nld` ON (`Store`.`id` = `I18n__homepagetitle__nld`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__homepagetitle__nld`.`model` = 'Store' AND `I18n__homepagetitle__nld`.`field` = 'homepagetitle' AND `I18n__homepagetitle__nld`.`locale` = 'nld') LEFT JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`i18n` AS `I18n__homepagedescription__nld` ON (`Store`.`id` = `I18n__homepagedescription__nld`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__homepagedescription__nld`.`model` = 'Store' AND `I18n__homepagedescription__nld`.`field` = 'homepagedescription' AND `I18n__homepagedescription__nld`.`locale` = 'nld') LEFT JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`i18n` AS `I18n__homepage_footer__nld` ON (`Store`.`id` = `I18n__homepage_footer__nld`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__homepage_footer__nld`.`model` = 'Store' AND `I18n__homepage_footer__nld`.`field` = 'homepage_footer' AND `I18n__homepage_footer__nld`.`locale` = 'nld') LEFT JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`i18n` AS `I18n__homepage_content__nld` ON (`Store`.`id` = `I18n__homepage_content__nld`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__homepage_content__nld`.`model` = 'Store' AND `I18n__homepage_content__nld`.`field` = 'homepage_content' AND `I18n__homepage_content__nld`.`locale` = 'nld') LEFT JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`i18n` AS `I18n__header_points__nld` ON (`Store`.`id` = `I18n__header_points__nld`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__header_points__nld`.`model` = 'Store' AND `I18n__header_points__nld`.`field` = 'header_points' AND `I18n__header_points__nld`.`locale` = 'nld') LEFT JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`i18n` AS `I18n__footer_blocks__nld` ON (`Store`.`id` = `I18n__footer_blocks__nld`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__footer_blocks__nld`.`model` = 'Store' AND `I18n__footer_blocks__nld`.`field` = 'footer_blocks' AND `I18n__footer_blocks__nld`.`locale` = 'nld') LEFT JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`i18n` AS `I18n__sidebar_content__nld` ON (`Store`.`id` = `I18n__sidebar_content__nld`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__sidebar_content__nld`.`model` = 'Store' AND `I18n__sidebar_content__nld`.`field` = 'sidebar_content' AND `I18n__sidebar_content__nld`.`locale` = 'nld') LEFT JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`i18n` AS `I18n__disable_checkout_msg__nld` ON (`Store`.`id` = `I18n__disable_checkout_msg__nld`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__disable_checkout_msg__nld`.`model` = 'Store' AND `I18n__disable_checkout_msg__nld`.`field` = 'disable_checkout_msg' AND `I18n__disable_checkout_msg__nld`.`locale` = 'nld') WHERE `url` = 'pietjesbak.be' LIMIT 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | |
SELECT `StoreSetting`.`id`, `StoreSetting`.`key`, `StoreSetting`.`value`, `StoreSetting`.`type`, `StoreSetting`.`store_id` FROM `tbiback_tbshops`.`store_settings` AS `StoreSetting` WHERE `StoreSetting`.`store_id` = (9) | 16 | 16 | 0 | |
SELECT `Post`.`id`, `Post`.`user_id`, `Post`.`store_id`, `Post`.`created`, (`I18n__title`.`content`) AS `Post__i18n_title`, (`I18n__content`.`content`) AS `Post__i18n_content`, (`I18n__slug`.`content`) AS `Post__i18n_slug`, (`I18n__pagetitle`.`content`) AS `Post__i18n_pagetitle`, (`I18n__description`.`content`) AS `Post__i18n_description` FROM `tbiback_tbshops`.`posts` AS `Post` INNER JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`post_i18ns` AS `I18n__title` ON (`Post`.`id` = `I18n__title`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__title`.`model` = 'Post' AND `I18n__title`.`field` = 'title' AND `I18n__title`.`locale` = 'nld') INNER JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`post_i18ns` AS `I18n__content` ON (`Post`.`id` = `I18n__content`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__content`.`model` = 'Post' AND `I18n__content`.`field` = 'content' AND `I18n__content`.`locale` = 'nld') INNER JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`post_i18ns` AS `I18n__slug` ON (`Post`.`id` = `I18n__slug`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__slug`.`model` = 'Post' AND `I18n__slug`.`field` = 'slug' AND `I18n__slug`.`locale` = 'nld') INNER JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`post_i18ns` AS `I18n__pagetitle` ON (`Post`.`id` = `I18n__pagetitle`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__pagetitle`.`model` = 'Post' AND `I18n__pagetitle`.`field` = 'pagetitle' AND `I18n__pagetitle`.`locale` = 'nld') INNER JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`post_i18ns` AS `I18n__description` ON (`Post`.`id` = `I18n__description`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__description`.`model` = 'Post' AND `I18n__description`.`field` = 'description' AND `I18n__description`.`locale` = 'nld') WHERE `I18n__slug`.`content` = 'geschiedenis-van-pietjesbak' AND `Post`.`store_id` = 9 LIMIT 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | maybe slow |
SELECT `HourException`.`id`, `HourException`.`date`, `HourException`.`start`, `HourException`.`end`, `HourException`.`closed`, `HourException`.`store_location_id` FROM `tbiback_tbshops`.`hour_exceptions` AS `HourException` WHERE `date` = '2025-02-16' LIMIT 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
SELECT `Hour`.`id`, `Hour`.`weekday`, `Hour`.`start`, `Hour`.`end`, `Hour`.`closed` FROM `tbiback_tbshops`.`hours` AS `Hour` WHERE `weekday` = 7 LIMIT 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | |
SELECT `HourException`.`id`, `HourException`.`date`, `HourException`.`start`, `HourException`.`end`, `HourException`.`closed`, `HourException`.`store_location_id` FROM `tbiback_tbshops`.`hour_exceptions` AS `HourException` WHERE `date` = '2025-02-16' LIMIT 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
SELECT `Hour`.`id`, `Hour`.`weekday`, `Hour`.`start`, `Hour`.`end`, `Hour`.`closed` FROM `tbiback_tbshops`.`hours` AS `Hour` WHERE `weekday` = 7 LIMIT 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | |
SELECT `HourException`.`id`, `HourException`.`date`, `HourException`.`start`, `HourException`.`end`, `HourException`.`closed`, `HourException`.`store_location_id` FROM `tbiback_tbshops`.`hour_exceptions` AS `HourException` WHERE `date` = '2025-02-16' LIMIT 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
SELECT `Hour`.`id`, `Hour`.`weekday`, `Hour`.`start`, `Hour`.`end`, `Hour`.`closed` FROM `tbiback_tbshops`.`hours` AS `Hour` WHERE `weekday` = 7 LIMIT 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | |
SELECT `HourException`.`id`, `HourException`.`date`, `HourException`.`start`, `HourException`.`end`, `HourException`.`closed`, `HourException`.`store_location_id` FROM `tbiback_tbshops`.`hour_exceptions` AS `HourException` WHERE `date` = '2025-02-17' LIMIT 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
SELECT `Hour`.`id`, `Hour`.`weekday`, `Hour`.`start`, `Hour`.`end`, `Hour`.`closed` FROM `tbiback_tbshops`.`hours` AS `Hour` WHERE `weekday` = 1 LIMIT 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | |
SELECT `HourException`.`id`, `HourException`.`date`, `HourException`.`start`, `HourException`.`end`, `HourException`.`closed`, `HourException`.`store_location_id` FROM `tbiback_tbshops`.`hour_exceptions` AS `HourException` WHERE `date` = '2025-02-17' LIMIT 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
SELECT `Hour`.`id`, `Hour`.`weekday`, `Hour`.`start`, `Hour`.`end`, `Hour`.`closed` FROM `tbiback_tbshops`.`hours` AS `Hour` WHERE `weekday` = 1 LIMIT 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | |
SELECT `Store`.`id`, `Store`.`name`, `Store`.`branding`, `Store`.`defaultlocale`, `Store`.`theme_admin`, `Store`.`theme`, `Store`.`phone`, `Store`.`url`, `Store`.`email`, `Store`.`active`, `Store`.`index`, `Store`.`maintenance_mode`, `Store`.`base`, `Store`.`use_menu_builder`, `Store`.`age_confirm`, `Store`.`hours_popup`, `Store`.`is_wholesale`, `Store`.`disable_checkout`, `Store`.`enable_stores`, (`I18n__homepagetitle__nld`.`content`) AS `Store__i18n_homepagetitle_nld`, (`I18n__homepagedescription__nld`.`content`) AS `Store__i18n_homepagedescription_nld`, (`I18n__homepage_footer__nld`.`content`) AS `Store__i18n_homepage_footer_nld`, (`I18n__homepage_content__nld`.`content`) AS `Store__i18n_homepage_content_nld`, (`I18n__header_points__nld`.`content`) AS `Store__i18n_header_points_nld`, (`I18n__footer_blocks__nld`.`content`) AS `Store__i18n_footer_blocks_nld`, (`I18n__sidebar_content__nld`.`content`) AS `Store__i18n_sidebar_content_nld`, (`I18n__disable_checkout_msg__nld`.`content`) AS `Store__i18n_disable_checkout_msg_nld` FROM `tbiback_tbshops`.`stores` AS `Store` LEFT JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`i18n` AS `I18n__homepagetitle__nld` ON (`Store`.`id` = `I18n__homepagetitle__nld`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__homepagetitle__nld`.`model` = 'Store' AND `I18n__homepagetitle__nld`.`field` = 'homepagetitle' AND `I18n__homepagetitle__nld`.`locale` = 'nld') LEFT JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`i18n` AS `I18n__homepagedescription__nld` ON (`Store`.`id` = `I18n__homepagedescription__nld`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__homepagedescription__nld`.`model` = 'Store' AND `I18n__homepagedescription__nld`.`field` = 'homepagedescription' AND `I18n__homepagedescription__nld`.`locale` = 'nld') LEFT JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`i18n` AS `I18n__homepage_footer__nld` ON (`Store`.`id` = `I18n__homepage_footer__nld`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__homepage_footer__nld`.`model` = 'Store' AND `I18n__homepage_footer__nld`.`field` = 'homepage_footer' AND `I18n__homepage_footer__nld`.`locale` = 'nld') LEFT JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`i18n` AS `I18n__homepage_content__nld` ON (`Store`.`id` = `I18n__homepage_content__nld`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__homepage_content__nld`.`model` = 'Store' AND `I18n__homepage_content__nld`.`field` = 'homepage_content' AND `I18n__homepage_content__nld`.`locale` = 'nld') LEFT JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`i18n` AS `I18n__header_points__nld` ON (`Store`.`id` = `I18n__header_points__nld`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__header_points__nld`.`model` = 'Store' AND `I18n__header_points__nld`.`field` = 'header_points' AND `I18n__header_points__nld`.`locale` = 'nld') LEFT JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`i18n` AS `I18n__footer_blocks__nld` ON (`Store`.`id` = `I18n__footer_blocks__nld`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__footer_blocks__nld`.`model` = 'Store' AND `I18n__footer_blocks__nld`.`field` = 'footer_blocks' AND `I18n__footer_blocks__nld`.`locale` = 'nld') LEFT JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`i18n` AS `I18n__sidebar_content__nld` ON (`Store`.`id` = `I18n__sidebar_content__nld`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__sidebar_content__nld`.`model` = 'Store' AND `I18n__sidebar_content__nld`.`field` = 'sidebar_content' AND `I18n__sidebar_content__nld`.`locale` = 'nld') LEFT JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`i18n` AS `I18n__disable_checkout_msg__nld` ON (`Store`.`id` = `I18n__disable_checkout_msg__nld`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__disable_checkout_msg__nld`.`model` = 'Store' AND `I18n__disable_checkout_msg__nld`.`field` = 'disable_checkout_msg' AND `I18n__disable_checkout_msg__nld`.`locale` = 'nld') WHERE `url` = 'pietjesbak.be' LIMIT 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | |
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SELECT `ShippingRate`.`id`, `ShippingRate`.`shippingmethod_id`, `ShippingRate`.`country`, `ShippingRate`.`floor`, `ShippingRate`.`ceiling`, `ShippingRate`.`criteria`, `ShippingRate`.`price` FROM `tbiback_tbshops`.`shipping_rates` AS `ShippingRate` WHERE `ShippingRate`.`shippingmethod_id` = (4) | 41 | 41 | 0 | |
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SELECT `UrlRedirect`.`id`, `UrlRedirect`.`old_url`, `UrlRedirect`.`new_url`, `UrlRedirect`.`redirect_type`, `UrlRedirect`.`store_id` FROM `tbiback_tbshops`.`url_redirects` AS `UrlRedirect` WHERE `old_url` = 'http://www.pietjesbak.be/nld/geschiedenis-van-pietjesbak' AND `store_id` = 9 LIMIT 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
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SELECT `Store`.`id`, `Store`.`name` FROM `tbiback_tbshops`.`stores` AS `Store` WHERE 1 = 1 | 23 | 23 | 0 | |
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SELECT `Post`.`id`, `Post`.`user_id`, `Post`.`store_id`, `Post`.`created`, (`I18n__title`.`content`) AS `Post__i18n_title`, (`I18n__content`.`content`) AS `Post__i18n_content`, (`I18n__slug`.`content`) AS `Post__i18n_slug`, (`I18n__pagetitle`.`content`) AS `Post__i18n_pagetitle`, (`I18n__description`.`content`) AS `Post__i18n_description` FROM `tbiback_tbshops`.`posts` AS `Post` INNER JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`post_i18ns` AS `I18n__title` ON (`Post`.`id` = `I18n__title`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__title`.`model` = 'Post' AND `I18n__title`.`field` = 'title' AND `I18n__title`.`locale` = 'nld') INNER JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`post_i18ns` AS `I18n__content` ON (`Post`.`id` = `I18n__content`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__content`.`model` = 'Post' AND `I18n__content`.`field` = 'content' AND `I18n__content`.`locale` = 'nld') INNER JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`post_i18ns` AS `I18n__slug` ON (`Post`.`id` = `I18n__slug`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__slug`.`model` = 'Post' AND `I18n__slug`.`field` = 'slug' AND `I18n__slug`.`locale` = 'nld') INNER JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`post_i18ns` AS `I18n__pagetitle` ON (`Post`.`id` = `I18n__pagetitle`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__pagetitle`.`model` = 'Post' AND `I18n__pagetitle`.`field` = 'pagetitle' AND `I18n__pagetitle`.`locale` = 'nld') INNER JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`post_i18ns` AS `I18n__description` ON (`Post`.`id` = `I18n__description`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__description`.`model` = 'Post' AND `I18n__description`.`field` = 'description' AND `I18n__description`.`locale` = 'nld') WHERE `I18n__slug`.`content` = 'geschiedenis-van-pietjesbak' AND `Post`.`store_id` = 9 LIMIT 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | |
SELECT `Post`.`id`, (`I18n__title`.`content`) AS `Post__i18n_title`, (`I18n__slug`.`content`) AS `Post__i18n_slug` FROM `tbiback_tbshops`.`posts` AS `Post` INNER JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`post_i18ns` AS `I18n__title` ON (`Post`.`id` = `I18n__title`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__title`.`model` = 'Post' AND `I18n__title`.`field` = 'title' AND `I18n__title`.`locale` = 'nld') INNER JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`post_i18ns` AS `I18n__slug` ON (`Post`.`id` = `I18n__slug`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__slug`.`model` = 'Post' AND `I18n__slug`.`field` = 'slug' AND `I18n__slug`.`locale` = 'nld') WHERE `Post`.`id` = 30 AND `Post`.`store_id` = 9 LIMIT 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
SELECT `Post`.`id`, `Post`.`user_id`, `Post`.`store_id`, `Post`.`created`, (`I18n__title`.`content`) AS `Post__i18n_title`, (`I18n__content`.`content`) AS `Post__i18n_content`, (`I18n__slug`.`content`) AS `Post__i18n_slug`, (`I18n__pagetitle`.`content`) AS `Post__i18n_pagetitle`, (`I18n__description`.`content`) AS `Post__i18n_description` FROM `tbiback_tbshops`.`posts` AS `Post` INNER JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`post_i18ns` AS `I18n__title` ON (`Post`.`id` = `I18n__title`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__title`.`model` = 'Post' AND `I18n__title`.`field` = 'title' AND `I18n__title`.`locale` = 'nld') INNER JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`post_i18ns` AS `I18n__content` ON (`Post`.`id` = `I18n__content`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__content`.`model` = 'Post' AND `I18n__content`.`field` = 'content' AND `I18n__content`.`locale` = 'nld') INNER JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`post_i18ns` AS `I18n__slug` ON (`Post`.`id` = `I18n__slug`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__slug`.`model` = 'Post' AND `I18n__slug`.`field` = 'slug' AND `I18n__slug`.`locale` = 'nld') INNER JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`post_i18ns` AS `I18n__pagetitle` ON (`Post`.`id` = `I18n__pagetitle`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__pagetitle`.`model` = 'Post' AND `I18n__pagetitle`.`field` = 'pagetitle' AND `I18n__pagetitle`.`locale` = 'nld') INNER JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`post_i18ns` AS `I18n__description` ON (`Post`.`id` = `I18n__description`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__description`.`model` = 'Post' AND `I18n__description`.`field` = 'description' AND `I18n__description`.`locale` = 'nld') WHERE `Post`.`id` = 30 AND `Post`.`store_id` = 9 LIMIT 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
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